FREE Narrative Retell/Creation Worksheet

I made this FREE digital narrative grammar worksheet based on this 5-finger story retell strategy. I love this strategy since kids always have their fingers with them and they can use them when telling their parents about their day. I use this worksheet with a couple of the activities I’ve mentioned in my favorite narrative …

Narrative Recall with Disney Shorts

For years I struggled to find stories that were short enough to fit into appointments, yet had solid narrative structure. Many Disney shorts have a good narrative structure, yet they’re often under 10-minutes. To work on narrative recall with Disney short videos I watch the video with the child then switch over to my FREE …

FREE Create-A-Story Slideshow

I made this FREE “Create-A-Story” slideshow that you can download and use. I share it in “edit” mode (instead of “present” mode) and have the kids choose the setting from the left of the 1st slide and the characters from the right of the 1st slide. Then I copy-and-paste their selection to the 2nd slide …