I’ve been considering boycotting social media ever since a social media site prioritized free speech over my safety back in 2013. As we often do, I shrugged off the incident as an isolated event and personal failing, but since reading The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt I can no longer shake my misgivings about social …
Category: students
FREE Communication Checklist
I often get parents who are family, friends, and colleagues asking me whether their child needs speech & language treatment. I honestly can’t answer without more information. Usually before a child receives treatment the following steps are made: Rather than just tell concerned parents that I don’t know whether their child could receive speech and …
ADHD & Speech-Language Pathology
October is ADHD awareness month! I actually learned very little about ADHD’s effects on communication as a graduate student and it wasn’t until I began seeing lots of patients with ADHD that I started to wonder about the connection between the disorder and speech and langauge. Since then I’ve had the opportunity to work with …
My Favorite Regulation Tools
I love the Zones of Regulation! The curriculum has taught me so much about regulation and the tools have helped so many of my patients engage in speech and language treatment! I have colleagues who hate the Zones of Regulation because it gets confusing for kids whose teachers use the color-coded behavior charts. to be …
Using Disney Shorts in Speech & Language Treatment
Disney shorts are the secret to my success with telehealth. When the word switched to online treatment due to the COVID-19 pandemic I started using these videos as an unstructured activity for grammar, pragmatic langauge, and narratives. Since then I’ve done lots of research about attention and brain waves during video calls and I find …
Play-Based Activities for Articulation/Phonology Skills
When I was in graduate school there was a lot of information about the difference between an “articulation disorder” and a “phonological disorder.” Then I started my internship and found that in order for an insurance company to pay for speech & langauge treatment the child needs a medical diagnosis and that these are found …
My Favorite Narrative Activities & Tools
Whether I’m working on narrative creation, narrative retell, or using correct language structures during narratives I like to keep the activity as fun as possible. I find that this can be one of the hardest tasks for kids and giving them a fun way to work on it (with Disney videos, video games, or story …
Using Calico Critters, Li’l Woodzeez, & Honey Bee Acres Toys in Speech & Language Treatment
My patients love using Calico Critters, Li’l Woodzeez, and Honey Bee Acres during treatment! And I love that the kids are motivated to do their work while we play with them. There are so many less expensive dollhouse sets! Yet, these are the most motivating that I’ve found. My patients have always tired of the …
Themed Naturalistic Activities
I’ve made reusable monthly themes to help save me time and energy. As a part of this I’m incorporating themed into the naturalistic activities I regularly use during treatment. Here’s what I have so far… May June July August September October Read More From the SLP A to Z Blog
Themed Materials
I’ve developed a theme for each month so that I can re-use my naturalistic activities, sensory bins, prizes, & virtual SLP treatment rooms. I’m really appreciating the time it’s saving me. Here are links for each… Read More From the SLP A to Z Blog